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iGetGroceries is your standard shopping list app with a few extra features to help simplify your (grocery) shopping experience.

That's all the standard features. The 'extras' include:

The first time you make a recipe, it's often easy to add all ingredients to your shopping lists. However, the second or third time it's easy to forget an ingredient (or three). That's where iGetGroceries comes in handy. Anytime you would like to go shopping for a recipe, just tap 'Checkout' on the recipe to add all of its ingredients to their respective shopping lists.

And while you are shopping, you can easily check which recipes a grocery item belongs to so you can always be sure you get the appropriate amounts.

No more second trips to the store for that ingredient you forgot!

iGetGroceries, because iGetAllTheGroceriesOnMyListWithoutEverForgettingASingleItem was too long of a name :)